Co-existing mesoscale patterns in bipartite networks: modularity, nestedness, in-block nestedness

29/11/2017 | Albert
29/11/2017 | Albert
18/10/2017 | seminari
Coevolution of synchronization and cooperation in costly networked interactions
20/04/2017 | clabb
20/04 (noon) Seminar at room 3.20 Departament de Física de la Matèria Condensada. "Epidemic threshold on temporal networks: an analytical approach"
30/03/2017 | clabb
XXI Congreso de Física Estadística
21/03/2017 | clabb
8th Conference on Complex Networks
16/01/2017 | clabb
The central winter conference on Network Science, NetSci-X, is coming to the hub of innovation – Tel-Aviv. Bringing together leading researchers and innovators to connect, meet and establish interdisciplinary channels for collaboration. From biological and environmental networks, to social, technological and economic networks, NetSci-X 2017 links the vibrant Tel-Aviv spirit with the fresh outlook of Network Science.
18/11/2016 | clabb
Multiplex networks: from structure to dynamics
14/11/2016 | clabb
Competition of simple and complex adoption on multi-layer networks
06/10/2016 | clabb
Network on dynamics and synchronization on complex networks
21/09/2016 | clabb
Workshop on "Self-Organized Patterns on Complex Networks - 2016 Conference on Complex Systems, Amsterdam, 21st September 2016